Our aim is to develop children into confident mathematicians who are able to use mathematics as a tool in a wide range of activities both in and out of school. We want all children to acquire mastery of mathematics and continue acquiring mastery throughout their school lives, and beyond.
Throughout the school the children are involved in daily mathematical activities based on the requirements of the National Curriculum and their own needs and interests.
This link takes you to the The Primary Mathematics Curriculum
The national curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils:
Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately:
As we have mixed age classes, we have developed a number of strategies to ensure that of the children get the maximum impact from the teaching and the independent work.
How Can You Help Your Child With Maths?
This is an extract from our calculation policy which has Maths At Home suggestions for each of the areas of arithmetic. The entire calculation policy can be accessed by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page.
Maths At Home: Addition
In school we recognise the importance of knowing our times tables - speed and accuracy are important and allow us to complete harder calculations more easily.
From 2020, children in Year 4 will take a Multiplication Tables Fluency Assessment in June. The children need to be able to recall the facts, accurately and quickly.
To support the children to learn their times tables we have a number of approaches. We use a card game in school called Tackling Tables, that helps the children to speed up their recall.
At timestables.co.uk you can easily practise all of your tables. The arithmetic problems are clear and simple so you can immediately get started on practicing your tables. Select one of the times tables you wish to practise from the list below and show what you can do on the speed test, Multiplication Tables Check or printout great worksheets.
This Link takes you to maths chase with free maths games where your child can see how well they use a whole range of maths facts. They can set their own numbers to work within so it is suitable for learners of all ages.
This link will take you to Calculators.org where you will find lots of different fun free maths games. A star system is used to show difficulty.
Guilden Morden C of E Primary Academy
Tel: 01763 852318
Email: office@guildenmorden.cambs.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mrs Sonia Singh
Chair of Governors: Ms Sarah Fryer
Office Administrator: Mrs Maisie Marchetti
Pre-School: 01763 853911
At Guilden Morden we seek to promote the health and wellbeing of everyone. We recognise that food and nutrition form an important aspect of our health and wellbeing. It also contributes to our pupils being able to learn effectively and therefore recognise the need to eat a balanced, healthy diet to keep us fuelled up with the energy we need for daily life.
Our school meals are clearly planned by our caterers, Aspens, but if you chose to provide a packed lunch for your child, then we encourage parents to ensure that the packed lunch is healthy and well balanced.
Please have a look at the following websites for some great ideas for healthy packed lunches: https://www.nhs.uk/healthier-families/recipes/healthier-lunchboxes/ https://www.phunkyfoods.co.uk/recipes/?fwp_courses=packed-lunches https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/school-packed-lunch-inspiration
Currently, we do not have any children with a nut allergies, but as a school we would request that we remain a nut free school. Please can you ensure that no nut products are included in your child’s packed lunch.
Lunch boxes should be clearly labelled with the child’s name and class.
We encourage our children to have a mid-morning snack. Reception and Key Stage 1 pupils are provided with a portion of fruit or vegetable each day as part of the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme. Children in Key Stage 2 can bring in their own fruit or vegetables as a snack. Any other snacks will not be permitted.
We encourage all children to bring in a water bottle to school, that is clearly labelled with their name and class. Only water will be permitted and there is a water dispenser for the children to top up their water bottles throughout the day.
School Address:
Pound Green
Guilden Morden
Nr Royston
DEMAT Office Address:
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