Meet the Governors at Guilden Morden C of E Primary Academy
Sarah Fryer, Community Governor
Safeguarding, Maths (includes preschool), Computing
Trudie Woodhall, Community Governor
SEND and Science
Jacqueline Riding, Parent Governor
Mental Health & Staff Wellbeing, PE and dance (includes preschool), Music (includes preschool), Art and DT
Tony Burdett, Parent Governor
Curriculum Development
Health and Safety
Sonia Singh, Head Teacher
Maisie Marchetti,
The Governing body were appointed in November 2016 when the school academised with the Diocese of Ely Multi-Academy Trust (DEMAT).
Our governors are: Sarah Fryer, Trudie Woodhall, Jaqueline Riding, and Tony Burdett.
We have a broad range of experience between us and through DEMAT. Throughout this time, our governing body has focused on reviewing the schools performance and has identified the key strategies to improve pupil progress. We are all pleased with the results achieved. In addition we have prioritised improving communication within the local community and raising the profile of the school amongst potential future parents. Overall, the governors intend to continue this strong and determined phase of the school’s life.
Our Minutes of the Meetings are all on Governor Hub and our clerk has access to them if required.
For any further information about the Local Governing Board, please contact the office.
If you require more information about the Local Governing Boards (date appointed, type of Governor, attendance at meetings) please click on the Register of Interests below.
For information about the DEMAT trustees, please click on the link
Guilden Morden C of E Primary Academy
Tel: 01763 852318
Headteacher: Mrs Sonia Singh
Chair of Governors: Ms Sarah Fryer
Office Administrator: Mrs Maisie Marchetti
Pre-School: 01763 853911
School Address:
Pound Green
Guilden Morden
Nr Royston
DEMAT Office Address:
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